You may think, specially if you are Italian: what a fool!!! And I must recognize I was... If there was still any doubt it disappeared when I went to Sardinia two years ago... In which planet did I live till then? In fact it has most of the things I love when you talk about cooking, it can be quick and easy to prepare but also challenging to your creativity as there are millions of possible combinations and flavours. Everyday you may mix what you have at home and get an excellent pasta!
So, I got so in love with it that I decided to start cooking my own pasta...
Fresh pasta is one of that myths that most of the people believe in without ever questioning it... Cook it on your own? you are crazy?! Said a friend of mine when I told him that in last christmas I received an Imperia, that I wanted to buy before but I didn't get the greenlight at home...
Once more, this is really easy...
Per person You will need:
100 gr of flour
1 egg
Put the flour in a clean surface and leave a hole in the middle for the egg(s), mix it till you have your compact and soft dough. cover it with clingfilm and let it rest for about 30 minutes.
Then with the help of the imperia just stretch it till you get the thickness you are looking for and cut it in the way you want...
If you don't have a machine don't give up! use the rolling pin!
Enjoy it!
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